Strengthening the Evidence Base on Social Determinants of Health: Advancing Health Equality through Scientific Research and Policy

November 24, 2014

Sociology Colloquium Series

“Strengthening the Evidence Base on Social Determinants of Health:
Advancing Health Equality through Scientific Research and Policy”

Beth Jackson, PhD
Manager, Equity Analysis and Policy Research
Social Determinants and Science Integration Directorate
Public Health Agency of Canada

Fri. Nov. 28 12:00 pm
Social Science Centre 5220

Achieving health equity remains a public health challenge in Canada. While Canadians generally enjoy good health, inequalities in a range of health outcomes and determinants of health persist. In 2012, Canada and other World Health Organization (WHO) Member States endorsed the Rio Declaration on Social Determinants of Health, which reflects a global commitment to addressing health inequities.

Join us Fri. Nov. 28 12:00 pm in SSC 5220 to hear Dr. Beth Jackson, Manager in the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Social Determinants and Science Integration Directorate, describe the Agency’s multidisciplinary approach to advancing health equity. She will situate the Agency’s approach within the context of the Rio Declaration, which has drawn attention to gaps in the monitoring systems that are essential for tracking health inequalities and for documenting the impact of interventions. Dr. Jackson will highlight how the Agency is addressing these gaps, specifically through pan-Canadian baseline reporting on health inequalities and the production of new survey data on experiences of discrimination. Both of these initiatives are building evidence on social determinants of health and health inequities, advancing the integration of evidence into programs, policy, and research. Finally, Dr. Jackson will offer some insights from her career thus far, including reflections on the value of Sociology in the field of public health.

Everyone welcome. No RSVP required.